Recently I was browsing the tumblr of one of my favorite
people on social media, Hanna Olivia Way, and I came across a post from her
Instagram with this quote attached to it,

“And the truth
dear friends, is this: our standing has never wavered with our Father. Though
the world has twisted what it means to be a daughter, His stance and His
position toward us has absolutely stayed resolute. The world cannot dictate
what it means to be treasured by our Father, but the love and relationship of
our Heavenly Father can heal and transcend the damage done here on earth. The
Creator of the universe didn’t just love and speak us into being, he also
called us good – the same word He called the massive majestic oceans and the
sun that lights our solar system and keeps us all sustained. He sent His son to
make a way for us while we were still broken and sinful and sitting with our
fingers in our ears, unwilling to hear truth. His Holy Spirit runs wild in our
lives, guiding us, leading us, growing us, and groaning for us so we can
genuinely be in community with Him. We mean the world to Him – not because
we’re good or we’ve earned it, but because we are His treasure, the apple of
His eye, the daughters He is coming back for.”
Jess Connolly, Wild and Free
Incredibly moved
by that beautiful passage, I immediately went to Google, and searched what this
Wild and Free thing was. When I found the book on Amazon, I was instantaneously inclined to hit the “purchase now” button when I read this sentence on the front cover, “A hope-filled anthem for the woman who feels she
is both too much and never enough.” When I read that, all I could think was UHHH Hello, that’s me. I was so excited
to have this book in my hands.
Let me tell you
dear friends, it has been a game changer since the moment I opened the next-day shipped envelope.
If you are new here (which you
probably are, I am not consistent enough to have a true following) I would
first like to introduce myself. My name is Laci, I am a nineteen year old college
student, studying Secondary English Education, who lives in the most beautiful
state of the fifty—Colorado, who loves to read, drink coffee (sometimes absurd amounts of tea), be in the
mountains amongst pine trees, and to watch the rain. But most importantly, I am a daughter of The
Most High.
My spiritual journey has not been an
easy one, but sanctification is not easy for anyone. In fact, up until six
weeks ago, I had not picked up my bible in over three months. Each day, I am
still growing in my relationship with Jesus and learning what it truly means to
follow Him. Each day I am met with things that call me to examine and question myself, if I am truly living as Jesus has called me to.
Though, I have
been a Christian since the age of seven, when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and
Savior, I did not really understand what that meant until a year ago. After going through the most difficult season
of my life in my senior year of high school, I started college and I was
diagnosed with anxiety and severe clinical depression that dated back to my
sophomore year of high school. It was a
few months after that diagnosis when another book The Lipstick Gospel (my post about it is here) opened my eyes to
how badly I needed Jesus. After reading
that book, I wept and sought Jesus with what I thought was all of my heart for
about two months, but then my fire kind of dwindled.
This has been a
pattern in my life since my junior year of high school, when I first decided
that I really wanted to start taking my faith seriously. I get this fire in my heart to follow Jesus,
and I do great for a few months, then I just stop. I stop praying. I stop doing my devotionals. I just
stop. I determine I will be fine going
it alone, it will all be okay, but let me tell you—that NEVER happens. It is
NEVER okay. I ALWAYS come crawling back,
sobbing to God on my bed at night begging He forgive me and take me back.
However, it was not until I began
reading Wild and Free, that I was
prompted to truly examine these facts about myself and how I approached the title “follower of
Jesus” that resides in my Instagram bio. It was then when I was truly called by
the Holy Spirit to examine myself, that I realized, that was where my problem laid; before—my entire faith was based on “I” statements. “I was going to make myself feel better by
doing this.” “I was determined to follow Jesus.” And that is not what this
faith is about.
The most beautiful element of this
faith is that it means there is no longer an “I”, there is only Jesus. There is no longer a struggle of having to
make myself determined to stay,
there is only Jesus.
Recently, my stepmother sent me the
link to a sermon preached by an intern at her church. His sermon was titled, “The Simplicity of
Faith.” While I listened,
I was moved toward the end of the sermon, when he spoke the phrase, “This is a
gospel of simple grace and simple faith.”
That is the point my
friends, a truth that has been spoken to my heart so many times over the last
two months or so, I cannot even count.
This is a simple gospel of simple faith.
This is a faith that the God of the Universe has handpicked you, loved
you, called you good and at ease, sent His Son, who shed his blood for you all
so you can stop saying “I” and be free of your worldly, sinful self. You are washed clean, and you have been made
a wild woman in God, who can call herself free not because of “I”, but because
of him, Jesus.
If you are a woman who calls Jesus
your savior, whether you are 19 or 95, I suggest you pick up Wild and Free. I can hardly put into words this book's
ability to change lives. You will be
challenged, you will ache, you will have joy from its words, and I strongly
encourage you to embrace that. Embrace
this truth that we receive from God’s word, embrace this message that echoes
the truth of the gospel that authors Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan have been
called by the Father to share with women of all ages. We are not called to be quiet, to be perfect,
to have perfect bodies, or perfect houses, or perfect lives.
We are called to
live not by the rules of this world, but wild in the woman that God created us, by hand, to be and free in being the
daughters who Jesus came to save.
The Anthem of Wild and Free, Wild and Free, by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan |
That book is a must read!! Had just the same thoughts as you when I first read the words on the title-so me and the book sure did not disappoint!!
Yes!! Such an amazing book so filled with truth I wish more women could hear!